
Our credentials

Our key memberships

ARMA – Association of Residential Managing Agents

ARMA is the leading trade association for residential leasehold management in England and Wales. As ARMA members, Centrick Property accepts and undertakes to comply with the RICS Service Charge Residential Management Code. ARMA promotes high standards of leasehold management and professionalism through advice, training and guidance.


Centrick Property is one of the few property management companies to achieve this accreditation in the Midlands. It is a self-regulatory regime set up specifically for ARMA members with the aim of raising standards and achieving the best quality of practice in the sector.

ARLA Propertymark – Association of Residential Lettings Agents

ARLA Propertymark is the UK’s foremost professional and regulatory body for letting agents; representing over 9,000 members who operate to professional standards far higher than the law demands. A guide to Propertymark’s codes of conduct and agent guidelines can be found HERE. As an ARLA Propertymark Protected agent, our client’s money is safeguarded by Propertymark’s Client Money Protection scheme.

NAEA Propertymark – National Association of Estate Agents

The NAEA is the UK’s leading body for estate agents. The NAEA’s aim is to reassure the general public that by appointing an NAEA Propertymark Protected agent to represent them, they will be safeguarded and receive the highest level of integrity and service for all property matters.

The Property Ombudsman

The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme is a not for profit organisation that provides consumers and property agents with an alternative dispute resolution service. The Ombudsman can, where appropriate, make compensatory awards in individual cases up to a maximum of £25,000 for actual and quantifiable loss and/or for aggravation, distress and/or inconvenience caused by the actions of an agent. You can read our Membership Certificates, Code of Practice and Consumer Guide here.

CMP – Client Money Protection

Centrick has Client Money Protection with Propertymark which is one of the government-approved schemes. Copies of our certificates are provided for your reference HERE and HERE. Client Money Protection schemes are operated by all of the above industry bodies that Centrick is a member of. The schemes are completely independent from us and are designed to ensure that our client’s money is completely secure no matter what.

SAFEagent – Safe Agent Fully Endorsed

safeagent is the UK’s leading accreditation scheme for lettings and management agents operating in the Private Rented Sector. Established in 1999 by the Empty Homes Agency as The National Approved Letting Scheme (NALS) with the backing of the industry, the aim was to establish a single badge for consumers to look for and understand the service and protections a firm offered through adherence to strict accreditation criteria. Recently rebranded as safeagent, we are well-respected – recognised by Government, consumer groups and industry bodies. safeagent is the only agent organisation whose sole focus is consumer protection, operating across the UK on a not-for-profit basis.

safeagent operates a Government approved Client Money Protection Scheme protecting landlords and tenants money held by our agents.

The TDS – The Tenancy Deposit Scheme

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) is a government approved tenancy deposit protection scheme in England and Wales operated by The Dispute Service Ltd. The TDS provides insurance backed tenancy deposit protection with free, impartial dispute resolution.